Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Why This Suffering?

We all endure suffering to one degree or another. Some people suffer more than others. And we all know someone suffering more than ourselves. If I can do anything in the world, it would be to be there for those who are suffering. I have close relatives who go through suffering everyday, and often there isn't much that can be done to lessen the physical pain of another person. We are not all medical doctors. But we can be there for those who suffer, and let them know they are loved. I know people who suffer, either physically, or mentally, or emotionally, or spiritually, and the only thing we can do is be there for them, whether spending time together, talking, giving a hug, praying for them. It is painful to see someone suffering intense physical pain and all you can do is hug them and pray that the pain ceases. Sometimes the prayers seem to work. Sometimes they don't. And I have to look at suffering through the experience of my own moments of being in some kind of intense suffering. There were people in my family, among my friends, even complete strangers, who have been present for me.

But what about when no one is there. I have been in places that I thought no one could be there for me. I even felt severed from God's love. I always recommend asking for God's help in every situation, but at those moments in my life, I felt utterly alone. I literally thought I was either in Hell or going to die and go there. If my family weren't there for me, I don't know if I would've recovered from the effects of very severe mental illness. Mental suffering can be the worst sometimes. I think the greatest epidemic is feeling alone, feeling like no one loves you, that you are pointless. Those of you who read this, try to think of something you can do or say to let people know they are valuable, and share God's love with them. Just do something that will make someone's day brighter. It doesn't have to be huge, and it doesn't have to impact everyone throughout the world. As Mother Teresa would say, work with the person right in front of you. Do it one on one. When we are faithful in doing small things, God will possibly give us greater tasks for some of us. But love people around you, and let that spread and be shared to other people. Love occurs one person at a time. Inspire one person at a time.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Loving is Evangelism

I want to write something about evangelism, which is a touchy subject amongst many in our diverse human populace. When I first started to become interested in Jesus, I was very excited. Here was a person whom I could be sure, was the solution to all problems. This was someone who claimed to be God, the Creator of all, and the perfect human being, without sin, without fault, flaw, or blemish. In the record handed down to us by His first followers and the Church that preserved and passed on His public revelation, He asked us to bring Him to all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. As I studied more theology about Jesus and His followers, the more excited I became to share Him with others.

The problem is that many people don't want to hear about Him, and I can understand that. After a period of trying to share my faith with everyone, I basically hit a brick wall. I decided for a time to keep to myself, and just focus on doing acts of charity and committing myself to loving others, especially when they are suffering, troubled, or in pain. To me, at the beginning of my Christian career, it was all about Jesus, and that is true, but so many people are not at the point where they can understand that. But if you treat them kindly, respectfully, and lovingly, they will remember that. And when I try to be kind, compassionate, loving, etc it is because I want to share Jesus' love with them, and I want people to know Jesus. But if they are not interested, I will still love them anyways. I am irked by people who say that if you don't believe such and such or so and so about Jesus, you can't get into Heaven or be saved. Personally, if my dead friends and relatives who were not Bible believing Christians are not save or eligible for Heaven, then I would abandon the faith and tell God if they are not welcome than neither am I. If you think that I am trying to share my faith in Jesus because I believe that you will go to Hell if you don't believe what I believe, then don't. I would rather spend eternity in separation from God, than live with a God who would punish those I love with eternal damnation. I don't really worry so much about what people believe. That is between you and God, and if you are not interested in what I believe, then I will not be offended. In fact, I presume that a lot of “believers” have multiply times offended you and your beliefs if this is the case. Chances are you have been offended by me is some way. I am not a saint, although I am trying to treat everyone like a saint might do so.

So I have come to the point in my Christian “career”, that I believe what I believe, but I let my actions, my concern, my loving be my tools of evangelization. If this is not enough, then I hope God will give me some other ways of sharing Him, which will not offend anyone, or drive people away. In the long run, it is Jesus who I want to share, and not some doctrine or theological principle. And if you are not interested, I won't push it.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

To Follow Jesus

Deciding to follow Jesus has been one of the most important things I have ever done. This is just something that has kept me going throughout the years and all the difficulties and trials I have gone through. I try to make Jesus and His teachings the priority and main authority in my life through which everything I believe, think, say or do is measured. In brief, I want to do what pleases Jesus and I want to avoid whatever offends or saddens Him. The greatest gift I can give to another person is to lead them to friendship, knowledge, and love of Christ Jesus. Jesus will never let you down, even when everyone, including ourselves, lets us down. Jesus is there when we fall, make mistakes, hurt ourselves or others, or otherwise suffer. When it is hard to love others, it is Jesus who pushes us to do it anyways. When we feel weak, it is Christ who strengthens us. There are many diverging ideas of who Jesus was and what His role is in our lives and in human history. I believe Jesus is the Son of God, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, and our Lord and Savior. I want you to know Jesus, and follow Him. But I want Him to be your best friend, your guide, your teacher. Whatever you do, invite Jesus into your life. Don't waste a minute not knowing Him. You lose nothing by following Christ, and have everything to gain, for yourself and for others, if you choose to do so. And don't hang yourself up on what everyone else says about Jesus. You can meet Him for yourself. He is here with you, right now, just waiting for you to start a dialogue. He is God, and hears and sees all you live through, and He hears your prayers, and answers them when you are ready for the responses. Say hello to Jesus, and get ready for a life full of God's love and joy.

Love Will Save Us

Love alone will save us. It does not matter how much faith or hope you have, without love there is no salvation. What does it mean to have love? One should ask God to help them to love others without ceasing. There is so much suffering around us, that we can get overwhelmed. My recommendation is to ask oneself whom God has put in our lives to be the recipients of our personal love. None of us can take care of the whole world and all people directly. God has put in our lives family, friends, and others who are within our reach to love and lift up. You are doing the most you can when you make those whom God has placed in your life the ones you should love. It is best to love greatly one person or a few people, than to spread oneself extremely thin through haphazardly trying to rescue and console everyone whom is suffering. There is a tendency among altruistic people today, to try to save the whole world in one fell swoop, to try to construct some sort of global scheme for helping and taking care of all the world's suffering and poor. But really, without the close love within families, everything falls apart. Some people can help more than others, but God will put those whom He wants us to love in our everyday lives. Don't go looking for people far and wide to help. Look to your immediate surroundings, and ask God who He is putting in your path to be a recipient of His saving love through you and your actions.

Friday, October 3, 2014

In the beginning...

Hi everyone.  I have been wanting to write a regular blog for some time now.  I had a lot of different ideas on what to write about, and have decided to buckle down and just pick something to write about and then go with it.
The most important thing to me is the salvation of souls.  What salvation ultimately boils down to, is whether we are in communion with the source of all happiness, which is God, our Father and Creator.  There has been a lot of debate, fighting, and arguing over who is saved, how we are saved, who saves us, what we should do when we are saved, whether one can lose salvation or not, etc.  My simplest answer to how to find salvation is through prayer and charity.  One must pray, initiate a dialogue, a relationship with the God Who created each and every one of us.  We have to be in connection with the source of our existence.  It doesn't really matter how you start praying, but that you say Hello to God, and listen for His instruction.  Even should every source of support and love in your life abandon you, God never will, and He will shower His love on you as you grow in love for Him and share His love with others.
I personally love praying for others.  It gives me a chance to help others who are suffering, and to grow in love for the people who I pray for.  I pray better when someone asks me to pray for them or someone specifically.  Ask me to pray for anyone, anytime, anywhere.  My prayer of choice is the Rosary, but I know the Rosary is difficult for people.  I used to hate the Rosary, and today it is my favorite prayer.
I am not very focused in this first blog post.  But whatever you do, pray!  Talk to God, listen to God, and God will begin to lead you places you never would have dreamed of.