Deciding to follow Jesus has been one
of the most important things I have ever done. This is just
something that has kept me going throughout the years and all the
difficulties and trials I have gone through. I try to make Jesus and
His teachings the priority and main authority in my life through
which everything I believe, think, say or do is measured. In brief,
I want to do what pleases Jesus and I want to avoid whatever offends
or saddens Him. The greatest gift I can give to another person is to
lead them to friendship, knowledge, and love of Christ Jesus. Jesus
will never let you down, even when everyone, including ourselves,
lets us down. Jesus is there when we fall, make mistakes, hurt
ourselves or others, or otherwise suffer. When it is hard to love
others, it is Jesus who pushes us to do it anyways. When we feel
weak, it is Christ who strengthens us. There are many diverging
ideas of who Jesus was and what His role is in our lives and in human
history. I believe Jesus is the Son of God, the Second Person of the
Holy Trinity, and our Lord and Savior. I want you to know Jesus, and
follow Him. But I want Him to be your best friend, your guide, your
teacher. Whatever you do, invite Jesus into your life. Don't waste
a minute not knowing Him. You lose nothing by following Christ, and
have everything to gain, for yourself and for others, if you choose
to do so. And don't hang yourself up on what everyone else says
about Jesus. You can meet Him for yourself. He is here with you,
right now, just waiting for you to start a dialogue. He is God, and
hears and sees all you live through, and He hears your prayers, and
answers them when you are ready for the responses. Say hello to
Jesus, and get ready for a life full of God's love and joy.
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