Thursday, October 16, 2014

Loving is Evangelism

I want to write something about evangelism, which is a touchy subject amongst many in our diverse human populace. When I first started to become interested in Jesus, I was very excited. Here was a person whom I could be sure, was the solution to all problems. This was someone who claimed to be God, the Creator of all, and the perfect human being, without sin, without fault, flaw, or blemish. In the record handed down to us by His first followers and the Church that preserved and passed on His public revelation, He asked us to bring Him to all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. As I studied more theology about Jesus and His followers, the more excited I became to share Him with others.

The problem is that many people don't want to hear about Him, and I can understand that. After a period of trying to share my faith with everyone, I basically hit a brick wall. I decided for a time to keep to myself, and just focus on doing acts of charity and committing myself to loving others, especially when they are suffering, troubled, or in pain. To me, at the beginning of my Christian career, it was all about Jesus, and that is true, but so many people are not at the point where they can understand that. But if you treat them kindly, respectfully, and lovingly, they will remember that. And when I try to be kind, compassionate, loving, etc it is because I want to share Jesus' love with them, and I want people to know Jesus. But if they are not interested, I will still love them anyways. I am irked by people who say that if you don't believe such and such or so and so about Jesus, you can't get into Heaven or be saved. Personally, if my dead friends and relatives who were not Bible believing Christians are not save or eligible for Heaven, then I would abandon the faith and tell God if they are not welcome than neither am I. If you think that I am trying to share my faith in Jesus because I believe that you will go to Hell if you don't believe what I believe, then don't. I would rather spend eternity in separation from God, than live with a God who would punish those I love with eternal damnation. I don't really worry so much about what people believe. That is between you and God, and if you are not interested in what I believe, then I will not be offended. In fact, I presume that a lot of “believers” have multiply times offended you and your beliefs if this is the case. Chances are you have been offended by me is some way. I am not a saint, although I am trying to treat everyone like a saint might do so.

So I have come to the point in my Christian “career”, that I believe what I believe, but I let my actions, my concern, my loving be my tools of evangelization. If this is not enough, then I hope God will give me some other ways of sharing Him, which will not offend anyone, or drive people away. In the long run, it is Jesus who I want to share, and not some doctrine or theological principle. And if you are not interested, I won't push it.

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