Love alone will save us. It does not
matter how much faith or hope you have, without love there is no
salvation. What does it mean to have love? One should ask God to
help them to love others without ceasing. There is so much suffering
around us, that we can get overwhelmed. My recommendation is to ask
oneself whom God has put in our lives to be the recipients of our
personal love. None of us can take care of the whole world and all
people directly. God has put in our lives family, friends, and
others who are within our reach to love and lift up. You are doing
the most you can when you make those whom God has placed in your life
the ones you should love. It is best to love greatly one person or a
few people, than to spread oneself extremely thin through haphazardly
trying to rescue and console everyone whom is suffering. There is a
tendency among altruistic people today, to try to save the whole
world in one fell swoop, to try to construct some sort of global
scheme for helping and taking care of all the world's suffering and
poor. But really, without the close love within families, everything
falls apart. Some people can help more than others, but God will put
those whom He wants us to love in our everyday lives. Don't go
looking for people far and wide to help. Look to your immediate
surroundings, and ask God who He is putting in your path to be a
recipient of His saving love through you and your actions.
I made that prayer myself, and things greatly improved for both myself and others. This is really awesome advice.